Register with NIC SOLUTIONS


To sign up, we encourage you to contact us at our office at (416) 663-8383 or toll free at 1-888-688-7661 to discuss how you would like us to set up the account. Alternatively, you can fill in the form below and we will contact you by phone with access information for your account. If your browser does not support forms, please send an e-mail to containing the information requested below.
Select your Plan:
Payment: Monthy Annually  (No setup fee!)
Domain Name: Create Transfer None
All the prices are in Canadian Dollars. $25.00 (one year) will be charged for creating a domain name.
The last items we need to create an account for you is the billing information.
First Name
Last Name:
Company Name:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
If you have any comments to add or special instructions, enter them below. We are also interested in how you found NIC SOLUTIONS.
Please Submit this form and we will contact you by phone with access information for your account.

Once we have all of the information we need for your account, we can create it very quickly. You will have almost immediate access to the account so you can begin moving in your Web site documents. You will also be able to use your new IP address to test the account until the InterNIC registration or transfer is complete.

NIC Solutions, LTD.